The NCROC (Novosibirsk Cosmic Ray Observation Complex) database contains the available data from the muon telescope and the neutron monitor of the Novosibirsk cosmic ray station and provides the possibility of their efficient use, including sampling, sorting, data visualization, and data acquisition on request. The created database is available via the Internet and is partly updated in real time. In addition to measurements of the muon and neutron components of cosmic rays, the database includes detailed information on the state of the atmosphere. To work with the noccr database, several applications have been created that should serve as examples of solving various physical problems.

The database (DB) of the complex includes data from the muon telescope with a total number of distinguished directions of 22, data from 4 sections of the neutron monitor with a total collection area of ​​24 sq.m., as well as data from measurements of pressure, surface temperature, average mass temperature of the atmosphere, humidity and depth snow cover. The data is in tables. The records include the count rates of various detectors uncorrected for changes in atmospheric parameters, as well as corrected for these changes. In addition, the records contain edited detector count rates, which are also free from possible drifts and instrumental variations.

The volume of the database at the moment is 1.8 Gb, contains 17 million records and covers the time interval from 1971 to the present. The noccr database, being a relational database, contains a set of data tables.

Data of continuous recording of the muon component of cosmic rays

As an example of a record, a table of hourly data from the muon telescope for 2008, uncorrected for atmospheric pressure and temperature variations (file mu_hour_2008), is given.

2008/01/01 00:00:00 22621.87 1308.80 705.78 663.18 664.33 656.20 364.01 372.67 347.35 337.48 143.58 142.92 85.62 69.71 62.11 47.07 2.45 2.20 11.96 11.37 4.02 3.05 1006.70 -11.47

2008/01/01 01:00:00 22609.07 1307.73 714.97 663.94 665.28 648.98 364.41 373.05 347.70 337.84 143.85 142.83 88.45 67.19 60.75 46.61 2.44 2.20 11.83 11.24 3.94 2.99 1006.50 -11.47

2008/01/01 02:00:00 22609.07 1300.80 710.03 662.82 664.62 650.86 365.09 378.28 350.46 340.50 144.06 142.34 87.46 67.14 63.17 44.52 2.53 1.77 12.64 12.02 3.72 2.82 1006.60 -11.47

Below is the view of the data represented by each column of the table.

1 year

2 – month

3 – number

4 – hour

5 – count rate of the total ionizing component

6 – count rate of the muon component from the vertical – 00

7 – – // – at an angle to the zenith at 260 (S-E) (azimuth direction)

8 – – // – -//- 260 (N-W)

9 – – // – -//- 260 (S-W)

10 – – // – -//- 260 (N-E)

11 – – // – -//- 350 (E)

12 – – // – -//- 350 (S)

13 – – // – -//- 350 (W)

14 – – // – -//- 350 (N)

15 – – // – -//- 450 (S-E)

16 – – // – -//- 450 (N-W)

17 – – // – -//- 450 (S-W)

18 – – // – -//- 450 (N-E)

19 – – // – -//- 550 (S-E)

20 – – // – -//- 550 (N-W)

21 – – // – -//- 550 (S-W)

22 – – // – -//- 550 (N-E)

23 – – // – -//- 630 (S-E)

24 – – // – -//- 630 (N-W)

25 – – // – -//- 680 (S-E)

26 – – // – -//- 680 (N-W)

27 – atmospheric pressure (in mb.)

28 – temperature of the surface layer of the atmosphere

The angle of the telescope axis to the zenith is indicated, and the azimuthal direction is indicated in parentheses.

Data scale for columns 5 – 26 – 1/min

The data scale for column 27 is mb.

Data scale for column 28 – ºC

Some positions may contain a fractional part.


The record of data corrected for variations in pressure and temperature of the atmosphere looks similar, only column 28 contains the values ​​of the average mass temperature of the atmosphere (file mc_hour_2008).

2008/01/01 00:00:00 22740.71 1296.79 701.51 654.86 658.42 651.27 362.05 370.30 342.92 333.48 142.06 140.84 84.13 68.90 61.65 46.79 2.41 2.20 11.92 11.30 4.08 3.08 1006.70 -34.70

2008/01/01 01:00:00 22715.08 1294.88 710.20 655.16 658.93 643.67 362.22 370.44 343.02 333.60 142.23 140.65 86.84 66.36 60.25 46.30 2.40 2.20 11.78 11.16 4.00 3.02 1006.50 -34.80

2008/01/01 02:00:00 22714.00 1287.72 705.16 653.86 658.12 645.40 362.83 375.56 345.64 336.13 142.40 140.12 85.84 66.29 62.64 44.22 2.49 1.77 12.58 11.93 3.77 2.85 1006.60 -34.90

Thus, the database of the muon telescope contains:

average hourly values of parameters (uncorrected and corrected) –

среднечасовые значения параметров (некорректированные и корректированные) –

mu_hour and mc_hour,

daily averages – mu_day and mc_day,

the monthly averages are mu_month and mc_month.

The database contains data from continuous observations with the muon telescope since January 2004.

Data of continuous recording of the nucleon component of cosmic rays

Novosibirsk neutron monitor data – with minute resolution.

As an example of a record, the neutron monitor’s hourly data table (file n_hour_2008) is given.


2008/01/01 00:00:00 10661 10061 11546 -6.69 -2.51

2008/01/01 01:00:00 10648 10058 11509 -6.81 -2.83

2008/01/01 02:00:00 10624 10060 11499 -7.01 -2.91

2008/01/01 03:00:00 10621 10060 11502 -7.04 -2.88

Below is the view of the data represented by each column of the table.

1 year

2 – month

3 – number

4 – hour

5 – minutes

6 – seconds

7 – neutron monitor counting rate, uncorrected for variations in atmospheric pressure

8 – atmospheric pressure with an accuracy of 0.1 mb

9 – neutron monitor count rate corrected for variations in atmospheric pressure

10 – monitor count rate variations, uncorrected for atmospheric pressure variations

11 – monitor count rate variations corrected for atmospheric pressure variations

Columns 7 and 9 data scale – 1/min

Column 8 data scale – 0.1 mb

The data scale of the columns is 10 and 11 -%.


Thus, the neutron monitor database contains:

minute values ​​- n_min

hour values ​​- n_hour

daily averages – n_day

monthly averages – n_month


The neutron monitor database contains the results of continuous observations since 1971.